Dillon Z. Dong

1216 E California Blvd
MC 249-17
Pasadena, CA, 91125
I’m a Ph.D. candidate in the Caltech Astronomy Department working with Professor Gregg Hallinan on discovering and characterizing slow radio transients in the VLA Sky Survey. Before coming to Caltech, I spent a year at the University of Cambridge working with Professor Rob Kennicutt on radio, infrared, and optical measures of star formation rates in nearby galaxies. This work built on my undergraduate research with Dr. Eric Murphy, which I did while double majoring in Physics and Math at Pomona College.
Some radio transients discovered with my pipeline:
- A new kind of supernova triggered by the merger of a compact object with a massive star
- Some of the youngest jets from supermassive black holes
- A growing list of radio-selected tidal disruption event candidates: [TDE 1] [TDE 2]
Check out my public talk on the dynamic radio sky here!
You can download my CV here.
Oct 1, 2021 | Check out my interview in Griffith Observatory’s show All Space Considered! |
Sep 15, 2021 | Press coverage for my recent paper |
Sep 3, 2021 | My paper on the merger-triggered supernova VT 1210+4956 was published in Science! |